

Directions of development:


The adaptation center for youth with disabilities is designed to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for the development of children and young people with special needs. The center focuses on the education of children with mental developmental disorders by providing adaptive training programs that aim to apply the maximum amount of acquired skills to real-life situations. The ultimate goal of the center is to equip young people with disabilities with the necessary skills to gain employment and live independently in society.

The center places a strong emphasis on speech development, as it is essential for young people with disabilities to be understood by their future employers. Through specialized training programs and therapies, the center works to improve the speech and language abilities of young people with disabilities.

The development of social communication is also a crucial aspect of the center’s curriculum. The center recognizes that it is important for children and young people with disabilities to be socially pleasant and able to communicate effectively with others. Through social skills training and group activities, the center helps young people with disabilities to improve their communication and behavioral skills.

Another essential area of focus for the center is the development of independence. Young people with disabilities must learn to orient themselves in their surroundings, use public transport independently, make purchases in a store independently, and be able to calculate and earn a living to lead a full and independent life in society. The center provides a range of programs and training sessions to teach young people with disabilities these essential life skills.

Finally, the center places a strong emphasis on the acquisition of basic academic skills, including the ability to read, write, and count within 1000. By focusing on these essential academic skills, the center helps young people with disabilities to develop a solid foundation for their future academic and professional endeavors.

Overall, the adaptation center for youth with disabilities provides a comprehensive and individualized approach to education and development, with a focus on the specific needs and abilities of each child and young person in their care. The center’s goal is to help young people with disabilities to achieve their full potential and live fulfilling and independent lives in society.


The Theatrical and choreographic studio “WeCan” is an important aspect of the adaptation center for youth with disabilities. This studio is dedicated to providing young people with disabilities with the opportunity to participate in theater and dance productions. The studio recognizes that this is an area that children and young people with disabilities love and it provides them with a platform to express themselves, build their confidence, and feel a sense of accomplishment.

Participating in theater and dance productions helps young people with disabilities to develop their physical abilities, coordination, and balance. These activities can also provide emotional and psychological benefits, allowing them to express their emotions and feelings in a creative way.

The Theatrical and choreographic studio “WeCan” is run by the NGO of the same name, which was founded by public activists who recognized the importance of providing young people with disabilities with the opportunity to participate in creative and artistic activities. The NGO works to provide funding and support for the studio, allowing it to continue to provide high-quality training and performances for young people with disabilities.

Overall, the Theatrical and choreographic studio “WeCan” is a vital part of the adaptation center for youth with disabilities. It provides young people with disabilities with the opportunity to express themselves creatively, build their confidence, and develop their physical and emotional abilities. It is an essential component of the holistic approach taken by the center to help young people with disabilities achieve their full potential.


The Social and household orientation workshop is another important component of the adaptation center for youth with disabilities. This workshop is designed to provide young people with disabilities with the skills they need to become more independent in their everyday lives. The workshop focuses on teaching practical skills related to self-service, household chores, and organization.

The acquisition of self-service skills is a key focus of the workshop. Young people with disabilities are taught how to take care of their personal hygiene, dress themselves, and perform other basic self-care tasks. These skills are essential for building independence and self-confidence.

Another essential area of focus for the workshop is the acquisition of skills for arranging one’s own space. Young people with disabilities are taught how to clean their living space, change their linen, do laundry, iron clothes, and set the table. These skills are essential for building independence and improving the quality of life for young people with disabilities.

The acquisition of self-organization skills is also an important aspect of the workshop. Young people with disabilities are taught how to plan their daily schedule, manage their time effectively, and calculate the budget for preparing meals. These skills are essential for building independence and improving the quality of life for young people with disabilities.

Finally, the workshop places a strong emphasis on the acquisition of cooking skills. Young people with disabilities are taught how to prepare simple meals, follow recipes, and use kitchen appliances safely. These skills are essential for building independence and improving the quality of life for young people with disabilities.

Overall, the Social and household orientation workshop is an essential component of the adaptation center for youth with disabilities. It provides young people with disabilities with the skills they need to become more independent in their everyday lives and to learn how to organize space for their own needs. These practical skills are essential for building independence and improving the quality of life for young people with disabilities.

Art workshop

The Workshop of artistic direction and Workshop of decorative and applied arts are crucial components of the adaptation center for youth with disabilities. These workshops focus on providing young people with disabilities with the opportunity to learn and develop artistic and creative skills.

The unique aspect of these workshops is that they provide young people with disabilities with the opportunity to produce competitive products of their own production for further sale. This approach serves as a model of social entrepreneurship, allowing young people with disabilities to become financially self-sufficient and build a sense of dignity.

The workshops provide training in a variety of artistic and creative disciplines, including painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery, and other forms of decorative and applied arts. The workshops are designed to be inclusive and accessible, allowing young people with disabilities to explore their artistic abilities and express themselves in a creative and meaningful way.

Depending on the skill level of a person with a disability, interest from the sale of products from 30 to 80% will be credited to his personal account. This provides a powerful incentive for young people with disabilities to continue to develop their skills and produce high-quality products. It also provides a source of income and financial security for them and their families.

The launch of this direction will allow young people with disabilities and their families to be confident in the future, as they will have self-earned income and a sense of dignity. This will contribute to their overall well-being and improve their quality of life. It will also contribute to the wider community by promoting social inclusion and providing unique, high-quality products that are competitive on the market.

In conclusion, the Workshop of artistic direction and Workshop of decorative and applied arts are an innovative and inclusive approach to helping young people with disabilities develop their artistic abilities and become financially self-sufficient. By focusing on social entrepreneurship and the production of high-quality products, these workshops help young people with disabilities to build a sense of dignity and improve their overall well-being.


The sports direction of development is an essential component of the adaptation center for youth with disabilities. It focuses on providing individual and group sports education classes to young people with mental developmental disorders in various areas of interest, such as gymnastics, sports gymnastics, acrobatics, pop and circus studio.

The purpose of the sports direction is to improve the physical and mental well-being of young people with disabilities. Physical activity has been proven to have numerous benefits for individuals with disabilities, including improved physical health, mental health, and social skills.

The sports classes are designed to be inclusive and accessible, providing young people with disabilities with the opportunity to learn and develop new skills while also having fun. The classes are led by professional trainers who understand the needs of children and youth with intellectual disabilities and are trained to provide appropriate support and accommodations.

The center is always looking for professional trainers who are passionate about working with young people with disabilities and can offer expertise in a variety of sports disciplines. Any sports direction can be opened as long as there is interest and demand from the young people and their families.

By providing young people with disabilities with the opportunity to participate in sports education classes, the center is promoting physical activity and helping to improve the overall well-being of its participants. This also contributes to the development of social skills and fosters a sense of community among young people with disabilities.

In conclusion, the sports direction of development is a crucial part of the adaptation center for youth with disabilities. It offers young people with disabilities the opportunity to learn and develop new skills while promoting physical and mental well-being. By collaborating with professional trainers and opening new sports directions based on the interests and needs of the young people, the center is helping to build a more inclusive and supportive community.


The supported accommodation is a critical aspect of the adaptation center for youth with disabilities. It is designed to provide young people with disabilities with the support they need to live independently and safely. The accommodation provides a safe and comfortable living environment where the young people can receive the necessary assistance to perform daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and personal care.

The center is committed to providing young people with disabilities with the opportunity to live as independently as possible, and the supported accommodation is a vital part of this. However, organizing independent assisted living for people with intellectual disabilities can be complex, and there are many legal aspects to consider.

To ensure that the supported accommodation is organized in a way that is both safe and legal, the center is seeking the assistance of lawyers and other legal experts. If you are a lawyer or someone who understands the legal aspects of organizing independent assisted living for people with intellectual disabilities, the center would love to hear from you.

The center believes that by partnering with legal experts, they can develop a comprehensive plan for supported accommodation that is safe, legal, and meets the needs of young people with disabilities. Through collaboration, the center hopes to create a supported living environment that provides young people with disabilities with the independence and support they need to thrive.

In conclusion, the supported accommodation is a critical aspect of the adaptation center for youth with disabilities. The center is committed to providing young people with disabilities with the opportunity to live as independently as possible, and the supported accommodation is a vital part of this. By seeking the assistance of legal experts, the center hopes to create a comprehensive plan for supported living that is safe, legal, and meets the needs of young people with disabilities.